Wrapping up some thoughts and advice on planning a new backyard orchard. Think about it, plan it, but above all DO IT! You'll be glad later and so will others. suggested Christmas presents for the orchardist in your life SECATEURS Felco number 8. PRUNING SAW-Silky Fox Gomtaro Apple 300 mm expect to pay about £50 each, well worth it if you have any number of trees to prune and want to do it well, simply the best tools as proven in my orchard over half a decade. The Felco's are expensive but look at it this way-if I haven't worn mine out pruning 3000 trees (cumulatively) then they will not only last your lifetime but you can leave them to your children in you Will. As long as you don't lose them you'll never need to buy another set, so if you use secateurs regularly, why settle for second rate imitations when for a bigger initial investment you could have the very best-for life? The great John Seymour wrote 'Get the best tools you can afford, and then look after them.' I have never regretted buying better, but often regretted a false economy. BOOK-The Apple Book by Rosie Sanders, I got mine from Amazon. A pure delight, see my earlier video review. Lovely watercolours plus oodles of information and a useful section on tree care by Sir Harry Baker. An excellent Christimas present fotr anyone who loves apples, orchards, gardening and watercolour painting.
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